Directed by Mark Calderbank (2021), this documentary short has won awards in IMDb-qualifying festivals in New York, London and Milan. It will be shown at the Louder Than Words Festival in Manchester on 13th November 2021, combined with a live acoustic performance by Eleanor McEvoy, and an 'in conversation' with Roisin Dwyer. In 2015, Eleanor McEvoy bought a painting by Chris Gollon, which started to inspire a whole album, and once she met Chris, they knew they had to collaborate in some way, but how? Interviews with Eleanor McEvoy, words from Lloyd Cole and Chris Gollon, this short film tells the story of how British painter Chris Gollon and Irish singer-songwriter Eleanor McEvoy embarked on a unique, two-year creative journey into artistic 'boundary crossing', each art form taking the other into new areas, ending in a brand new song wholly inspired by a painting. That song, written for him and inspired by one of his images, then became the theme for Gollon's last great series of paintings, before his untimely death in 2017. 'Gimme Some Wine' is now the title track for Eleanor McEvoy's new album (2021).
GIMME SOME WINE: The Story of a Song (Trailer)
Trailer for award-winning documentary short
7 October 2021